Mi experiencia siendo parte del programa MÉXICO CANTA ha sido muy enriquecedora, ya que, lejos de ser solo un curso de canto, se enfoca en una perspectiva más integral del trabajo artístico del cantante más allá de la voz. en las clases con el maestro Stuart Graham abordamos el canto como parte de una expresión actoral, poniendo énfasis no solo en la técnica sino en la expresión de la palabra. Con la maestra Jeannette Aster, no solo abundamos en el aspecto escénico, sino que también desarrollamos una visión más clara del mercado internacional operístico, por lo que resulta ser un gran complemento para una carrera profesional en aras de expansión

Enrique Guzmán, tenor (Mexico City | CDMX)

When a young artist completes their training within an institution (university, conservatory, company YAP), the immediate consequence is the loss of ready access to practice and performance facilities. The Professional Artist Incubator is a performance environment, an arena, a playground for advanced and emerging professional artists where one can find top-level technical and performance coaching from an industry perspective, facilitating a forum where the artist can try things, be challenged by faculty mentors of international renown and outreach, explore their voice to discover their unique “signature”, expression, hone and refine their artistry.

The Incubator offers the opportunity for Artistic Residencies, either project specific proposed by the individual artist or in participation in our flagship programs such as: MÉXICO CANTA and OpéraFest in Toronto, at La Roche d’Hys: Domaine des Arts in Bourgogne, France or various masterclass/seminar programs run by Mr. Graham in Morelia or in Mexico City, Mexico.

*A primary objective of the artist incubator and its instigator Stuart Graham, is growing this binational (Canada/Mexico) cultural exchange, offering study and performance opportunities for Mexican artists to come to Canada and Canadian artists to Mexico, and offering both a European opportunity with the summer residency program at La Roche d’Hys: Domaine des Arts in Bourgogne, France.

Performance Venues:

Depending on the program proposed, our principal performance space is JEANNE LAMON HALL at the Trinity|St. Paul Centre. Other performances have frequently taken place in the Great Hall, of the Toronto Arts & Letters Club, as well as in the Victoria Chapel at the University of Toronto.