Welcome to my Voice and Singing Performance Studio!

In this very dynamic and creative studio, every artist and student receives top level technical and performance coaching from an industry perspective as well as access to study and performance opportunities in Canada, Mexico and France, including regularly scheduled masterclasses given by nationally and internationally renowned artists (singers, stage directors, conductors, agents). All of this offers a well-rounded and multi-dimensional mentorship to the artists.

I offer a full range of study options from “ad hoc” coachings to intensive “artistic residencies” for emerging/professional singers to suit their development and performance needs, be it preparation for recital/concert/role engagements, auditions and competition preparation.  Alternately, if you are a developing artist looking for a new musical home, I offer structured “semester” sessions with a plan mutually discerned for your specific needs and objectives. If this is you, DON’T FORGET TO ASK about the discount pricing for prepaid options (month or full semester)

The Singing Experience, in a word…

The human voice, the human body and the journey to master it as a musical instrument is mystical and abstract. For as many singers one may meet, there will be an equal number of varied descriptions and explanations of how they do what they do, both in the techniques of vocal production and interpretation. But, all of the great singers and teachers seem to agree on a common destination with each their unique road to get there. For me, that is one of the great points of curiosity in my vocation as a performing and teaching artist and a great motivator in my pedagogical life. The conversation that I have with each artist I work with is unique in that no two people learn the same way. In my 30 years of teaching experience, I discovered I have a thousand ways to explain a thousand different things.

In my studio, I take on a holistic approach strongly rooted in the traditional Italian school of singing (Bel Canto). In that, great emphasis is expressed of the importance of the singer’s breath, the mechanics of breathing, engaging a “thoughtful” breath, the relationship between the breath and the voice, how to engage the voice (onset), tuning and harmonizing the vowels in their resonance and the development of the legato vocal line. I’m a firm believer that 50% of the singer’s technique relies on the Actor’s Process and the development of dramatic expression. As artists, we work with words primarily and the music is the dramatic extension. Ultimately, our objective is to develop the singing experience so that one feels the voice as etherial, effortless, yet profoundly vibrant and powerful, colourful and meaningful, successfully communicating the truth of the artist and their character while satisfying the performance space.

un peu de frou frou…
Stuart Graham as Baron Gondremark in Toronto Operetta Theatre’s production of Jacques Offenbach’s LA VIE PARISIENNE, St. Lawrence Centre of the Arts, Toronto, Canada  (photo credit: Emily Ding)

Poulenc – Les Banalités

In recital with pianist Narmina Afandiyeva in Jeanne Lamon Hall, Toronto, Canada

As Taddeo/Tonio in Leoncavallo’s I PAGLIACCI with the Compagnia di Canto Vittorio Tosto in Milan, Italy


Technical development is concentrated on the principles of Bel Canto singing

  • Art of Breath
  • Vocal Production – tuning and harmonizing vowels in their resonance, range and dynamic development, negotiation of registers
  • Art of Articulation


  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish (Castillano & various accents of Latin America)
  • Latin (Italian, German & French)
  • Russian
  • Czech

Performance Coaching of different Period & Musical Styles from Medival to Current Day


  • Art Song|Melodie|Lied
  • Concert|Mass|Oratorio
  • Opera
  • Musical Theatre

 Preparation for:

  • RCM Preparatory exams
  • University/Conservatory Entrance Auditions
  • Competitions (Regional/National/International)
  • Public Performance (Role/Concert)

For more information or to book your free consultation, please contact Mr. Graham at:

Email: info@stuartgraham.ca

Tel | WhatsApp | Telegram: +1 416 927 9105

Breath & Warm-up: In Lesson with Stuart Graham

Excerpt of a studio performance of Pergolesi’s STABAT MATER